venerdì 19 luglio 2019

Spaghetti dello scugnizzo

Ciao ben ritrovati e da tanto che non scrivo qui sul blog , oggi colgo l'occasione per farlo mostrandovi una ricetta che partecipa al Contest indetto da Le Squisivoglie  .
Contest che si basa sul riciclo in cucina , per partecipare l'azienda mi ha inviato la squisibox che conteneva i loro prodotti della linea premium rigorosamente in vetro e per alcuni sott'olio .
Partecipo al contest con la ricetta  '' SPAGHETTI DELLO SCUGNIZZO '' vediamo cosa serve

- Spaghetti
- 1 spicchio d'aglio
- peperoncino
- 1 Tarallo napoletano con mandorle
- Una manciata di Tris di olive condite premium
- Una manciata di Lupini cotti in salamoia
- Olio d'oliva

Passiamo alla preparazione molto semplice e veloce , ma dal sapore diverso che soddisferà il vostro palato e sono sicura che la ripeterete nel tempo .
In una padella tritate l'aglio aggiungete il peperoncino tagliato a pezzettini e olio d'oliva e iniziate a far dorare l'aglio . Pulite i lupini privandoli della sua buccia , tagliate le olive e tritate in modo grossolano il tarallo .
Appena l'aglio e dorato aggiungiamo i lupini e le olive saltiamo giusto un minuto . Prepariamo gli spaghetti e appena saranno cotti li scoliamo e li versiamo nella padella con il condimento amalgamando bene per qualche minuto . Mentre amalgamiamo versiamo una parte del tarallo napoletano sbriciolato , l'altra metà la verserete direttamente nel piatto pronto sopra gli spaghetti in modo da dare un tono croccante al piatto .

Eccolo pronto il nostro piatto dal sapore diverso , con ingredienti semplici ma dal sapore distinto , ora aspetto di sapere cosa ne pensate ……………
Intanto approfitto anche per darvi un suggerimento per non SPRECARE L ACQUA  cosa molto importante e preziosa , quando dovete lavare tutte le pentole e padelle vi consiglio di prepararvi una bacinella dove metterete acqua e detersivo , e una volta tolti i residui di cibo di piatti adagiateli tutti li insaponate prima ogni singola stoviglia e poi risciacquate con l acqua corrente facendo attenzione a chiudere il getto d'acqua quando non vi serve .
Vi saluto e vi lascio i link della nostra azienda Le Squisivoglie  IL LORO SITO E SHOPONLINE

20 commenti:

  1. Lo sai che non avevo mai pensato ai lupini per cucinare? Li mangio così, crudi. Bella ricetta ed in bocca al lupo per il contest

  2. Wir mag ihre Blog, und möchten mit Ihnen Kooperation machen, mehr können Sie brautjungfernkleider suchen.

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  11. "
    Hi we are from Tropika Club Magazine.

    Tropika Club Magazine is your leading online magazine for the discerning male and female Singaporean. We cover various topics of interest, ranging from beauty and vogue for her, and grooming and style for him, as well as city and destinations and top picks. To learn about Tropika Club's Search Directory for Beauty and Wellness Services, please click on this link

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  12. Ciao ..
    ho appena scoperto il tuo blog e devo dire che è meraviglioso e ti ho anche la ricetta che devo assolutamente provare, dalle foto sembra davvero appetitosa:)
    se ti va passa da me, sono appena tornata a scrivere sul mio blog dopo tanto..
    ti lascio il link:

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    Tropika Club Bookings – Discover and book services at amazing off-peak discounts
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    Tropika Club Magazine crafts and curates articles for the discerning Singapore male and female. We provide up-to-date articles on Beauty and Vogue for gals, and articles on Grooming and Style for guys. We also cover local Singaporean content under City. Supporting Tropika Club’s vision to bring the best beauty, wellness and fitness services to our visitors, we also have a review section on the best services and selections under Top Picks. This features the Top 10 rankings for your beauty and wellness salons based on the various regions in Singapore. Tropika Club Deals brings to you great deals and offers from our merchants in the form of amazing discounted vouchers and codes. In addition, enjoy cashback as much as up to 5% for each purchase you make, regardless of the amount you spend. Think Cashback. Think Tropika.

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    Great post! We would like to feature your post on Tropika Club too if that's possible?
    Tropika Club Deals is part of the Tropika Club ecosystem:

    Tropika Club Magazine – Get the latest scoops on beauty, grooming and wellness
    Tropika Club Deals – Search for the best voucher and coupon deals
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    Tropika Club Magazine crafts and curates articles for the discerning male and female. We provide up-to-date articles on Beauty and Vogue for gals, and articles on Grooming and Style for guys. Supporting Tropika Club’s vision to bring the best beauty, wellness and fitness services to our visitors, we also have a review section on the best services and selections under Top Picks.

  16. "
    We hope to add to the comment feed roll and we are from the Tropika Club Magazine.

    Tropika Club Magazine is your leading online magazine for the discerning male and female Singaporean. We cover various topics of interest, ranging from beauty and vogue for her, and grooming and style for him, as well as city and destinations and top picks. To learn about Tropika Club's Search Directory for Beauty and Wellness Services, please click on this link

    Check out some of our articles below as our contribution to your blog roll:

    1.Top 10 Best Curry Puff in Singapore

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    3.Top 10 Best Fishball Noodles In Singapore

    4.Top 10 Best Laksa in Singapore

    5.Top 10 Best Soy Bean Curd In Singapore"

  17. "
    We hope to add to the comment feed roll and we are from the Tropika Club Magazine.

    Tropika Club Magazine is your leading online magazine for the discerning male and female Singaporean. We cover various topics of interest, ranging from beauty and vogue for her, and grooming and style for him, as well as city and destinations and top picks. To learn about Tropika Club's Search Directory for Beauty and Wellness Services, please click on this link

    Check out some of our articles below as our contribution to your blog roll:

    1.Top 10 Best Curry Puff in Singapore

    2.Top 10 Best Nasi Padang in Singapore

    3.Top 10 Best Fishball Noodles In Singapore

    4.Top 10 Best Laksa in Singapore

    5.Top 10 Best Soy Bean Curd In Singapore"

  18. "
    Greetings from Tropika Club Magazine.

    Tropika Club Magazine is your leading online magazine for the discerning male and female Singaporean. We cover various topics of interest, ranging from beauty and vogue for her, and grooming and style for him, as well as city and destinations and top picks. To learn about Tropika Club's Search Directory for Beauty and Wellness Services, please click on this link

    Check out some of our articles below; they are a good read:

    1. Mole Removal and Where to Get it Done in Singapore

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  19. "Pinning some posts from Tropika Club Magazine.

    Tropika Club Magazine is your leading online magazine for the discerning male and female Singaporean. We cover various topics of interest, ranging from beauty and vogue for her, and grooming and style for him, as well as city and destinations and top picks. To learn about Tropika Club's Search Directory for Beauty and Wellness Services, please click on this link

    Check out some of our articles below as our contribution to your blog roll:

    1.Top 10 Best Bronzer in Singapore

    2.Top 10 Best Lip Stains in Singapore

    3.Why Am I Losing Instagram Followers?

    4.How Your Habits Will Determine Your Future

    5.Top 10 Best CC Cream in Singapore"
